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We are Teens Study STEM!

At Teens Study STEM we strive to foster a deep interest in health sciences and healthcare related news for today’s youth by providing an environment of innovation and learning through research and articles. A place where teens can get access to information biology, and more specifically, about what’s going on in the healthcare field. Our mission is to grow that passion in science. We aspire to do this by providing free mentorship, engaging online blogs, learning resources, and events to supplement students to achieve what the future awaits.

Breaking Barriers in STEM

In traditional school systems, many students don't have the opportunity to learn about many scientific breakthroughs like furthering cancer research or creating artificial organs. Our goal is to pique science passions in students from all backgrounds, especially disadvantaged, through our zero-cost educational resources, support, and mentoring. All are welcome!

From hands-on experiments to mentors and experiences, here are several quick tips on how to get interested in STEM 

As a teen nurturing your interest in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) can seem hard, but aside from required classwork, it’s important to go beyond the four walls of classrooms. A report by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine revealed that only 22 percent of American high school graduates are knowledgeable in these particular subjects. In fact, the chair of the committee stated that students have limited learning experiences that are confined to reading textbooks, passive listening, and memorizing disconnected facts. Being passionate about stem is more than just memorizing the Krebs Cycle backwards and forwards. That said, the chances of finding more opportunities is imperative if you are to become more interested in STEM.


How to apply STEM to real life 

STEM education can be pretty intensive, so the whole process can get a little overwhelming. Thus, it’s important to take a step back and look at the different ways to incorporate it in your day-to-day life.

At Teens Study STEM we emphasize that students must be given a chance to see these concepts come to life in a real, physical environment. Seeing how robots or even statistical software are developed, can boost your interest and their confidence in pursuing a career in STEM. 


Find hands-on learning experiences

Hands-on learning experiences are very important. From STEM experiments and projects to research, all can provide opportunities to witness firsthand how cool STEM is as you get to deep dive into certain fields.

Education design consultant Karen Aronian looked at how chess incorporates math and logic, which allows kids to learn while also enjoying the challenge of playing board games. On the other hand, they can be introduced to electronics through online resources like Upverter, which is a free, web-based printed circuit board (PCB) design tool. Upverter is the educational and student-friendly version similar to the industry standard design platform Altium 365. Both platforms allow users to design, share, and manufacture electronics all in one place. Through these hands-on activities, your teen can gain first-hand experience in these academic fields.

Visit exhibits and museums

Another great way to encourage an interest in STEM is by visiting exhibits and museums. These centers not only improve your knowledge regarding STEM subjects, but they can also pique curiosity when it comes to certain subjects.

At TSS we are a staunch advocate of STEM learning through museums and their exhibits. This is an avenue to introduce teens to new and exciting STEM concepts. Rich environments for active STEM learning through hands-on exhibits include: tech demonstrations, industry-professional-led workshops and panels, gaming competitions, and much more, connecting young audiences to industry experts and innovative tech that is driving the future.


Anti-Racism, Inequity, and Implicit Bias in Health Care

This guide contains links to informational resources related to issues of race, inequality, and implicit bias in medicine, medical education, and health care.

  • Medicine and Public Health) on February 17, 2021.

  • Black Cancer (with Jodi-Ann Burey)

    Cancer explores the stories behind the cancer journeys of everyday people of color. Host Jodi-Ann Burey weaves a narrative about race, health, and life and helps listeners discover the wisdom trauma can bring. As Burey explains: "With Black Cancer, I wanted to create something I wish I would’ve had during my own cancer journey. For over two years, I was a ‘strong Black woman’ whose mind and body felt weaker than it’s ever been. I felt alone. In between doctor’s appointments, medication adjustments and trying to understand myself as someone living with a chronic condition, I was just too broken, too hurt and too tired to find the community I desperately needed."

  • Black Lives and Health Justice: Lessons from the Long Civil Rights Movement Part 1

    Lecture by Dr. Elizabeth Nelson, Assistant Professor of Medical Humanities & Health Studies in the School of Liberal Arts at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis. Nelson articulates the connections between health justice and the Black struggle for equality in the US; describes how racial health disparities in the US today are the product of historical processes, including longstanding structural racism; and identifies key sites of action for health justice, beyond the clinical encounter.

  • The Daily: A Life-or-Death Crisis for Black Mothers

    "Black mothers and infants in the United States are far more likely to die from pregnancy-related causes than their white counterparts. The disparity is tied intrinsically to the lived experience of being a black woman in America."

  • Engaging Communities to Address Latino Health Disparities

    Lecture by India Ornelas, PhD, Research Director, Latino Health Research Center, University of Washington.

  • Health Disparities in Native Populations: Closing the Gap

    Lillian Tom-Orme (Diné), Ph.D., MPH, RN, FAAN, Research Assistant Professor, Division of Epidemiology, School of Medicine, discusses the various health disparities and their related social determinants of health in American Indian and Alaska Native populations and suggest ways to reduce/close the gap.

  • HEAR (Healthcare inEquity And Racism) 2020 Sessions

    The HEAR (Healthcare inEquity And Racism) campaign is a student-created week-long series of speaker events and discussion groups. This series is intended to further educate students with an interest in medicine or healthcare on how racial disparities affect various areas of medicine, including but not limited to patient outcomes, access to care, and medical education. The HEAR series will also seek to provide preliminary tools to empower students to start advocating for equity at both in health settings and within their communities.​

  • How Racism Makes Us Sick | David R. Williams [TED Talk]

    In this eye-opening talk, David R. Williams presents evidence for how racism is producing a rigged system -- and offers hopeful examples of programs across the US that are working to dismantle discrimination.

  • Indigenous Knowledge to Close Gaps in Indigenous Health [TED Talk]

    Dr. Anderson DeCoteau, a Cree-Saulteaux physician, argues that health programs that are culture-based and use both western and Indigenous knowledge have the potential to be more responsive to Indigenous peoples and their rights than the status quo and could be the key to closing the gaps in Indigenous health.

  • Population Health Challenges for Latinos in the U.S.

    Lecture by Alex Ortega, PhD, director of the Center for Population Health and Community Impact in the Dornsife School of Public Health at Drexel University.

  • Prioritizing Equity: Examining Race-Based Medicine

    American Medical Association panel discussion held on October 29, 2020. Health care leaders held a critical conversation on approaches to dismantling race-based medicine across clinical practice, education, and research.

  • The Problem with Race-Based Medicine | Dorothy Roberts [TED Talk]

    Social justice advocate and law scholar Dorothy Roberts has a precise and powerful message: Race-based medicine is bad medicine.

  • Racial Health Disparities: How COVID-19 Magnified a Public Health Emergency

    In the season finale of “Beyond the White Coat,” David Skorton, AAMC president and CEO, and Malika Fair, MD, senior director of health equity partnerships and programs at the AAMC, discuss what forces are driving the disparities in health care access during the COVID-19 pandemic, how physicians can work to acknowledge and address racism against Black Americans, and what the academic medicine community can do to address institutional and systemic racism.

  • Racism: A Public Health Crisis

    Round-table discussion held on January 20, 2021 sponsored by the Indianapolis Recorder and the Greater Indianapolis Branch of the NAACP featuring IUPUI professors Joseph Tucker Edmonds, PhD and Elizabeth Nelson, PhD, as well as the CEOs of IU Health, Community Health, and Eskenazi Health.

  • Sawbones: The Black Panthers and Public Health

    "If you received the typical, white-centric education, you probably associate the Black Panthers only with violence and political protest. This week on Sawbones, we talk about their work in medical research advocacy and creating public health programs that sought to make life better for all black and oppressed people."

  • Sickle Cell Disease: Invisible Illness, Enduring Strength

    This episode (56) of "This Podcast Will Kill You" focuses on the history of screening and treatment for Sickle Cell Disease in the United States and how this has lead to discrimination in treatment, funding dollars, and healthcare outcomes.

  • The "Skinny" on Health Disparities among Asian Americans: Biological, Behavioral, and Social Determinants

    Lecture by Maria Rosario Araneta, Maria Rosario Araneta, Professor of Epidemiology, Department of Family Medicine and Public Health, University of California San Diego

  • Social Determinants of Latino Health Disparities

    Lecture by Evelinn Borrayo, PhD, at the Colorado School of Public Health.

  • The United States' Pre-Existing Conditions

    In this episode from the NPR podcast "Code Switch," Ed Yong explains how racial and class disparities have affected the COVID19 pandemic.

  • What Academic Medical Centers Should Do to Become Antiracist

    Brigham and Women's Hospital Medicine Grand Round lecture delivered by Utibe R. Essien, MD, MPH on the history of racism in medicine and what steps we must take to combat this in our modern day. Dr. Essien is a health services researcher and practicing general internist who conducts research on racial/ethnic health disparities.

  • When Xenophobia Spreads Like A Virus

    This episode from the NPR podcast "Code Switch" discusses coronavirus-related racism and xenophobia against Asian Americans in the U.S.

At Teens Study STEM we are made up of highly qualified, patient, passionate youth that is happy to teach students, specifically in science, but also math courses. We work closely with students and ensure that they understand materials to the best of their ability. We’re happy to serve you!

                                         Feel free to email for any questions!

©2018 by teensstudystem

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