Nigerian Cancer Relief Project
The Nigerian Cancer Relief Project was founded by Folakemi Fregene. Growing up cancer was never a stranger to her, taking the lives of her great uncle, grandmother, aunt, and nearly claiming her father's. She soon realized there were hardly any charities designed to give directly to patients going through chemotherapy, and close to none for Nigerian citizens. Through her own experiences with her family as well as communication with others undergoing chemotherapy and treatment, she complied a list of helpful items meant to benefit Nigerian pediatric patients.
Determined to balance the stark inequality that exists, The Nigerian Cancer Relief project works with local, regional, and international partners in Nigeria.
A child is diagnosed with cancer every two minutes. By the time you have finished reading this article, another family will be embarking on a challenging and life-changing journey. Receiving such devastating news is difficult for any child and their family but this hardship is exacerbated for those living in low and middle-income countries (LMICs), where a lack of resources and poor health infrastructure often conspire against them. Despite advances in cancer treatment, which means that over 80% of children in wealthy countries like the UK and USA will survive, in poorer countries like Nigeria (where four out of five childhood cancer cases occur) it is another story. The reality for too many children is that cancer treatments are either unaffordable or unattainable, simply because of where they live. We can and must do more to improve outcomes for our children.
The solution exists. The challenge is making sure that every child gets the diagnosis, treatment and care they need.
Overshadowed by headline issues, it is easy for childhood cancer to slip down the list of public health priorities. Disease awareness is low. Opportunities for early diagnosis are missed. Referrals are delayed. And there are not enough health workers with the specialist skills to diagnose and treat the disease.
It is children and families that pay the price.

“We need your help to end health inequality for pediatric patients worldwide. The time to act is now.”
Folakemi Fregene, Founder & President
To learn more about how you can help aid healthcare equity for all and the fight against childhood cancer in Nigeria, visit www.nigeriancancerrelief.org